We, the Universal Wisdom Foundation Inc. are overwhelmed to share the meaningful outcome of our Mindfulness Day (and Despedida for Ven. Vincent Taguinod) – last March 14, 2010, Sunday at the beautiful UWF Center in Tagaytay (overlooking Taal Volcano). The wise and profound meditation guidance and lectures of our dearly beloved Theravadin Filipino monk Ven. Taguinod – and the very energizing and positive power coming from the mountains enabled the participants to seek insights, and achieve peaceful awareness and purification of the mind from all negative tendencies.
Ven. Taguinod wholeheartedly elaborated on the concepts, meaning and essence of mindfulness meditation. During the introductory talk, he gave the precepts that

The birds were free at last! This activity was made possible because of the zealous interaction of all the attendees. The speaker, Venerable Vincent Taguinod fervently said “Let us be kind to all sentient beings for they were once became our mothers during our past lives.” Peace and happiness enveloped the place and the people who happily participated in releasing of the maya birds.
The breathtaking scenery intensified serenity and tranquility throughout the sitting meditation. The participants mindfully observed the rising and falling of their thoughts and insights. It was told by Venerable Vincent Taguinod to “Just do it. Like an elephant who wants to get out, one should tie it in a post. It will strive to get out but in couple of days, but it will be tamed”. He said in analogy that the mind is always preoccupied by thoughts, things and images…it is hard, but one will be able train it. It just needs a lot of practice.
During the mindful walking, everyone felt the

The most liked and very relaxing “lying meditation” followed. Ven. Taguinod allowed each and everyone to observe their own breathing – while giving a guided meditation, and while they were hearing the sound of the birds, the wind and the meditation music while lying. He said that this meditation is very much applicable when one is tired and stressed.
Each activity performed corresponds to mindfulness. There was a
We had Open Forum/ Question and Answer regarding during the latter part
and all the participants asked and shared their and views with enthusiasm. Many clarified the questions they wanted to raise even before the program. Many shared their stories and experiences regarding meditation. In addition, one participant shared “I have been attending meditation courses since 1992. Now, I can say that this is the best, because Venerable Vincent Taguinod explained the things we need to know and taught helpful things us during the activity…he also wants us to realize that meditation is not an end, but the means to achieve compassion.”
Before the end of the program, Zen master from Korea came to visit us. He allowed everyone to do the mindfulness sitting once again for half an hour directing the proper posture for the meditation.
At last, to complete the Mindfulness day event, the participants sang the “Auld Lang Syne” which served as a despedida for Venerable Vincent Taguinod.
This event indeed taught us a lot and gave us wisdom which allowed us to observe, think, and comprehend. We often think about the past or the future… Why not focus on “now?” in this present moment, where you can do something for the future and forget about the past? These questions were answered in the momentous mindfulness day activity. There are essential points in our life which should be given prior attention and focus. There are instances where we set aside the great opportunities and blessings we receive. Most importantly, we do not value the things that we have as we suddenly flinch on to another aspect. Meditation is very important so we could be aware of the things around us, but on the other hand, we must not concentrate on this idea. What we must give further attention is the cultivation of good things and avoiding evil deeds.